
Kissing Bugs and Their Risks, Delaware at Risk – 2024

Kissing bugs Delaware

Kissing bugs AKA assassin bugs, are raising concern in Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic region because they are causing the spread of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi.

If left untreated, this parasite can cause complications such as Chagas disease, which can cause deadly cardiac issues.

Identification: These bugs can be distinguished by Features such as a cone-shaped head with thin antennae, and legs.

Their bodies are typically black or extremely dark brown, with orange, red, or yellow stripes around the edges

Signs of a Kissing Bug Bite:

  • Appearance: Patches of bites, often around the mouth.
  • Sensation: Bites are usually painless but may swell and itch. Itching can last up to a week.
  • Risk: Severe itching can lead to skin breakage, and bites can cause serious allergic reactions in some people.


  • Location: Kissing bugs are typically found outside the home, near blood hosts.
  • Common Areas: Dog houses, kennels, rodent-infested hollow trees.
  • Attraction: They thrive in heat and like the odor of dog-friendly areas.

First Aid for Bug Bites:

  1. Sanitize your hands with soap to reduce the risk of infection.
  2. Apply calamine lotion or anti-itch cream. ( pro-tip:) An oatmeal-soaked face cloth can also be used for 15 minutes to alleviate itching.
  3. Use an ice pack to alleviate the swelling and promote healing.
  4. Seek medical attention if you suspect the bite has become infected or any other symptoms in your body.

Prevention and Control (Delaware):

  • Insecticides: There is no specific spray to kill kissing bugs, but pyrethroid insecticides can be very effective.
  • Handling Bugs: Use of a plastic bag or similar item to avoid direct contact would be the best thing you can do while handling bugs. Be aware that adult kissing bugs can fly.

Important Note:

  • Avoid squashing kissing bugs: They may carry the parasite in their feces. Proper disposal in an inaccessible area is crucial to prevent the spread of the parasite.

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